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Week 1: June 18-22 -- Introduction/background
Week 2: June 25-29 -- Building
- Monday
- ROS joystick listener node called "bumbersnoot_boss" created
- Changed Jetson hostname to bumbersnoot
- Verified that new, long M2.5 screws fit into XL-320 servo horn
- Ordered micro-USB hub and correct power+data SATA cable for SSD (arrives Wednesday)
- Got Dynamixel XL-320 to move! Power switch was in wrong position? Should be to LEFT as you look at switch end of board. Got GUI and position control from here working; velocity control still no go
- Tuesday
- Figured out mapping of joystick buttons to their indices into buttons array
- Made some plans about modes and capabilities of training/testing program (written on whiteboard)
- Started integrating Dynamixel includes and package depends into listener program. Now callback is executed when dynamixel/XL message arrives.
- Assigned unique ID to each XL-320 using manager GUI: 10, 20, 30, 40. Now they all can be seen. multi_port was not the answer -- this is how you deal with multiple USB devices, not multiple servos on one USB controller
- Started integrating position controller example into bumbersnoot_boss
- To do:
- Control each Dynamixel (position, velocity) with joystick in bumbersnoot_boss
- Logs with timestamps, directory creation
- Integrate RealSense capture code into bumbersnoot_boss
- Add SSD for mass storage
- Can micro-USB port be used for keyboard/mouse? Or powered USB hub to allow camera along with keyboard/mouse?
Week 3: July 2-6 -- Building
- To do:
- Imitation learning test from tripod-mounted camera
- Rough chassis assembled
- Camera on robot
- Ad hoc wifi to connect to Jetson. From phone...but Android does not support? Wi Fi direct? [1]. Video streaming?
- Jetson powered by battery: [2], [3]. Should definitely try the ones left over from DRC
Week 4: July 9-13 -- Building
Week 5: July 16-20 -- Teaching/learning
Week 6: July 23-27-- Teaching/learning
Week 7: July 30-August 3 -- Write-up and presentation prep
Miscellaneous topics
- Deep neural networks
- Unity, ML-Agents
- Reinforcement learning, imitation learning
- Dynamixels
- RealSense
- Jetson
- OpenCV
- TensorFlow
- Obstacle avoidance, motion planning
- Trail following, Warthog
- C++ vs. C# vs. Java
- Linux
On hand
- Jetson TX2 dev kit
- RealSense D435 depth camera
- 4-port USB hub
- Robotis
- 5 x XL-320 servo
- Dream 2 kit (includes small rubber wheels)
- 2 x Li-ion battery LB-041, 2 x charger LBB-041
- 3 x Li-ion battery LB-040 (one more back-ordered), 2 x charger LBB-040
- 2 x OpenCM9.04C controller board
- Monitor, HDMI cable
- Jetson
- SSD drive connector, mini-USB hub (arriving 6/26)
- Battery
- Enclosure