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Week 1: June 18-22 -- Introduction/background
- Spencer lab tours
- Introduction to Warthog, trail-following
- Reinforcement learning vs. imitation learning
- Unity and the strawberries 'n' trees obstacle avoidance world
Week 2: June 25-29 -- Building
- Monday
- ROS joystick listener node called "bumbersnoot_boss" created
- Changed Jetson hostname to bumbersnoot
- Verified that new, long M2.5 screws fit into XL-320 servo horn
- Ordered micro-USB hub and correct power+data SATA cable for SSD (arrives Wednesday)
- Got Dynamixel XL-320 to move! Power switch was in wrong position? Should be to LEFT as you look at switch end of board. Got GUI and position control from here working; velocity control still no go
- Tuesday
- Figured out mapping of joystick buttons to their indices into buttons array
- Made some plans about modes and capabilities of training/testing program (written on whiteboard)
- Started integrating Dynamixel includes and package depends into listener program. Now callback is executed when dynamixel/XL message arrives.
- Assigned unique ID to each XL-320 using manager GUI: 10, 20, 30, 40. Now they all can be seen. multi_port was not the answer -- this is how you deal with multiple USB devices, not multiple servos on one USB controller
- Started integrating position controller example into bumbersnoot_boss
- Wednesday
- Basic velocity control of all servos in bumbersnoot_boss is working. 0-1023 maps to percent of max speed in CCW direction, 1024-2047 is same thing in CW direction. Make sure to set torque off before ending program
- Basic joystick control of servo velocities: all forward/backward proportional to left joystick up/down
- Ordered 5 x 190 mm cables for XL-320 -- current ones are 110 mm
- Thursday
- Buttons, logic for logging start/stop. Independent control of left and right side motors, check to ensure not spinning in place
- Attached micro-USB hub, verified that keyboard, mouse, and CM9.04C can be used through it. Plugged RealSense into main USB at the same time and it works. OK, no more remote login from laila!!!
- Added 500 Gb SSD for mass storage, mounted at /data
- Installed emacs
- Integrated RealSense capture code into bumbersnoot_boss and verified that it runs (but no image saving yet)
Week 3: July 2-6 -- Building
- Monday
- Finished adapting servos to big Lego tires
- Mounted servos on rails/brackets to make chassis prototype, verified that driving works
- Tuesday
- Reduced diameter of servo->Lego wheel adapter to reduce weight and give clearance for mounting screws
- Thursday
- Chassis frame pretty much done; motor mounts strengthened with aluminum U-channel
- RealSense: saving RGB, depth images using ROS wrapper with subscription, linked to start/stop logging
- RealSense preview windows for both RGB and depth. Colormap would be nice for depth
- Logs with timestamps, directory creation done
- Camera mount will look a lot like Warthog -- inverted U over center of chassis
- To do:
- RealSense reduced size before saving? Save 4 motor values
- Also: how to mount Jetson, SSD, CM9.04C, batteries, and camera on chassis
- Ad hoc wifi to connect to Jetson. From phone...but Android does not support? Wi Fi direct? [1]. Video streaming?
- Jetson powered by battery: [2], [3]. Should definitely try the ones left over from DRC
- Imitation learning test from tripod-mounted camera
Week 4: July 9-13 -- Driving tests/data collection
Week 5: July 16-20 -- Teaching/learning
Week 6: July 23-27-- Teaching/learning
Week 7: July 30-August 3 -- Write-up and presentation prep
Miscellaneous topics
- Deep neural networks
- Unity, ML-Agents
- Reinforcement learning, imitation learning
- Dynamixels
- RealSense
- Jetson
- OpenCV
- TensorFlow
- Obstacle avoidance, motion planning
- Trail following, Warthog
- C++ vs. C# vs. Java
- Linux
On hand
- Jetson TX2 dev kit
- RealSense D435 depth camera
- 4-port USB hub (full-size)
- 4-port micro-USB hub
- Robotis
- 5 x XL-320 servo
- Dream 2 kit (includes small rubber wheels)
- 2 x Li-ion battery LB-041, 2 x charger LBB-041
- 3 x Li-ion battery LB-040 (one more back-ordered), 2 x charger LBB-040
- 2 x OpenCM9.04C controller board
- Monitor, HDMI cable