CISC220 F2021 Project
The final project is your opportunity to explore an advanced data structure topic that was NOT covered in class this semester.
The main focus here is to write C++ code which implements and/or applies a data structure and/or algorithm of your choosing. You may use STL or other APIs/libraries, but only in a supporting role. If you use *any* code written by someone else (looking at you, Github), then you must cite it and be completely clear about what you added or changed. I am primarily interested in the code that you write and what your whole program does. Potential topics:
- Red-black balanced binary trees
- Treaps
- Knight's tour
- k-d trees, nearest neighbor search
- Compression (text at the word/sentence level, image/video/audio)
- Cryptography (encoding/decoding, "breaking" codes, rainbow tables)
- Cryptocurrency, blockchain (e.g., hash chains, hash trees)
You may work alone or as part of a pair.
Send me an e-mail with your proposal and partner name, if applicable, as soon as possible so that I can give some feedback. As soon as I approve your proposal, you can pick a time slot for an in-person demo (not in front of the class) on Friday, December 10. Your code must also be submitted on this day.