CISC181 F2017 NewAndroidStudioProject
From class_wiki
- Open Android Studio
- Choose "Start a new Android Studio Project"
- Fill in "Application name": "MyLab_n" where n is the number of the lab, or "MyProject_n" where n is the number of the project milestone.
- Fill in "Company domain": "cisc181". Your package will be called something like cisc181.mylab_n
- "Project location" should be filled in for you. Change the path to something else if you want.
- Click "Next"
- Select form factors and click "Next". In the first half of the semester this doesn't matter since we're not using Android; I do "Phone & Tablet" and a random "Minimum SDK".
- Choose "Add No Activity" and click "Finish"
- Wait a bit while things get configured
- Now do this (starting at step 2)