CISC181 S2017

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Course information

Description CISC 181 (section 080) -- Introduction to Computer Science II (Honors)

Principles of computer science illustrated and applied through programming in the object oriented language Java. Programming projects illustrate computational problems, styles and issues that arise in computer systems development and in several application areas.

Instructor Prof. Christopher Rasmussen
Office: Smith 446
Office hours: Mondays, 10 am -- 12 pm
TA Abraham McIlvaine, E-mail:, office hours: Wednesdays, 5-6 pm and Fridays, 9-10 am in Smith 201 (during weeks when there are labs)
Discussion We will be using Piazza as a forum for questions about labs, homeworks, exams, and any other course topic. Rather than sending e-mail to a TA or the professor, post your question there so that everyone else can see the answer, and other students can contribute their knowledge. If your question involves posting code, make sure it is the minimum amount necessary to explain the problem you are having.
  • Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm in Penny 004
  • Lab section: Mondays from 4:40 pm to 5:30 pm in Spencer 010
  • 40% Labs (4% each). These are sets of small tasks/programs which must be done individually and are due Friday night of the same week. More details here
  • 20% Programming project (10% for each milestone). This is a two-step, two-week assignment which may be done as part of a pair
  • 20% Midterm exam
  • 20% Final exam (functionally, this is a second midterm)
  • "Bonus 2%" Complete end-of-semester course evaluation

Your labs and programming projects are due by 5 am after the deadline day. All should be submitted in Sakai. A late homework is a 0 without a valid prior excuse. To give you a little flexibility, you have 6 "late days" to use over the semester to extend the deadline by one 24-hour period each without penalty. No more than two late days may be used per assignment. Late days will automatically be subtracted, but as a courtesy please notify the instructor and TA in an e-mail of your intention to use them before the deadline. For each late day used by a pair of students on the project, both students must subtract a late day.

Once you have gotten a grade back on an assignment, if you have any questions or issues you should talk to your TA. For midterm exam grades, talk to the instructor. You have 1 week after a grade is returned to dispute it; after that, your score is final. Make sure to check that any score modifications are reflected in Sakai.

For the overall course grade, a preliminary absolute mark will be assigned to each student based on the percentage of the total possible points they earn according to the standard formula: A = 90-100, B = 80-90, C = 70-80, etc., with +'s and -'s given for the upper and lower third of each range, respectively. Based on the distribution of preliminary grades for all students (i.e., "the curve"), the instructor may increase these grades monotonically to calculate final grades. This means that your final grade can't be lower than your preliminary grade, and your final grade won't be higher than that of anyone who had a higher preliminary grade.

We will post "if the course ended now" letter grades twice: after the midterms are graded and just before the final. There will be NO extra credit opportunities at the end of the semester (save the course evaluation), so do your best work early! If you have any questions about grading or expectations at any time, please feel free to ask me.

Academic honesty Students can discuss problems with one another in general terms, but must work independently on all assignments unless otherwise specified. This also applies to online and printed resources: you may consult them as references (as long as you cite them), but the code you turn in must be yours alone. We WILL be checking submitted code for evidence of plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration, and if found you will definitely get a 0 for the assignment and possibly be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. If you are at all unsure about what is and what is not allowed, please contact the instructor or TA.

The University's policies on academic dishonesty are set forth in the student code of conduct here.

Optional resources


Note: The blue squares in the "#" column below indicate Tuesdays.
UDCapture link (the lecture from 2/9 is missing because UDCapture didn't know we had moved to Penny)

# Date Topic Details Readings Links/Lab
1 Feb. 7 Welcome Course details; IDE overview; Hello, Java ZJ 1.2-1.3, 1.5, 1.10, 16.1 slides
2 Feb. 9 Basic variables, input/output Basic input, output; Scanner and Math class, expressions, formatting for printing; naming, formatting, commenting styles ZJ 1.4, 1.11, 2.2-2.7, 4.1, 4.2, 16.3 slides
3 Feb. 14 Variables, expressions, branching Data types, constants, type conversions; if/else, switch, comparisons ZJ 2.6, 4.3-4.5, 4.7-4.8, 5-5.6, 5.11-5.13 Lab #1: Math, formatting, branching (Feb. 13)


4 Feb. 16 Loops while, for (single and nested); break, continue; randomness slides
5 Feb. 21

Register/add deadline Feb. 20

Basic graphics Graphics class: shapes, color, text; programming tips and API lookup Java 2D API Lab #2 (Feb. 20)
6 Feb. 23 Objects/methods/classes Constructors, overloading
7 Feb. 28 Objects/methods/classes public/private; Accessors/mutators; static Lab #3 (Feb. 27)
8 Mar. 2 Objects/methods/classes this; primitive wrapper classes; pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference; inheritance (derived classes, polymorphism)
9 Mar. 7 Arrays Single-, multi-dimensional; ArrayList (collections) Lab #4 (Mar. 6)
10 Mar. 9 Strings & streams Basic string operations; stream types, URLs
11 Mar. 14 Strings & streams Reading, writing text files; String.split(); regular expressions Regex documentation, URL tutorial

Lab #5 (Mar. 13)

12 Mar. 16 Abstract classes, interfaces Comparable vs. Comparator Object ordering
13 Mar. 21 Midterm review
14 Mar. 23 MIDTERM
Mar. 28 NO CLASS
Spring break
Mar. 30 NO CLASS
Spring break
15 Apr. 4 Go over midterm; testing, error-handling Exceptions Exceptions

Lab #6 (Apr. 3)

16 Apr. 6 Testing, error-handling Assertions, unit testing
17 Apr. 11
Withdraw deadline Apr. 10
Collections Generics, shuffle, sort Collection interface Lab #7 (Apr. 10)
18 Apr. 13 Collections Set and Map classes
Apr. 18 NO CLASS
Instructor away
Lab #8 (Apr. 17)
Apr. 20 NO CLASS
Instructor away
19 Apr. 25 Android SDK; "Hello, world" app; running Creating an Android project, Running your app

Lab #9 (Apr. 24)

20 Apr. 27 Android Layout, UI elements Building a simple UI
21 May 2 Android Event handling, project explanation Lab #10 (May 1)
22 May 4 Android Multiple activities Multiple activities
23 May 9 Android Basic graphics Canvas and drawables

Project milestone #1 due
NO LAB on May 8

24 May 11 Android Touch, animation, sound
25 May 16 Final review Project milestone #2 due
NO LAB on May 15
May 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, or 25 FINAL EXAM