CISC181 S2017 Lab8

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  • Make a new project with n = 8 (following these instructions)
  • Name your main class "Lab8" (when creating a new module in the instructions above, in the Java class name field)
  • Modify by adding your name and section number in a comment before the Lab8 class body.


In this lab you will analyze text files by breaking them into n-grams at the character level, and use those n-grams to generate random text in the same "style" (in a statistical sense).

Suppose, for example, that you are working with 2-grams, and you have found that 80% of the time "th" is followed by "e ", 10% by "is", 7% by "at", and 3% by "es" (made-up numbers!). Then, when you are generating text, after you have generated "th" you should randomly choose "e " with probability 0.8, "is" with probability 0.1, "at" with probability 0.07, and "es" with probability 0.03.


You are to implement a Java public class RandomWriter that provides a random writing application. Your class should have a two-argument constructor that takes:

  • String source: The name of an input file to read and analyze
  • int n A non-negative number indicating the length of each "gram," or character sequence, to break the file into

and also a method generateText() that takes the following two parameters:

  • int length A non-negative number of characters to generate.
  • String result: The name of the output file


In main(), run your code on the following files:

Generate approximately 500 characters of text for each input. Print the text in reasonable length lines, breaking only at spaces (not in the middle of a word). Do this for 1-grams, 2-grams, 3-grams, 4-grams, and 5-grams.


This assignment is shamelessly copied from one created by David Matuszek at the University of Pennsylvania.