CISC440 S2022 HW4

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Due Sunday, May 1


In this assignment you will create and texture an object (loosely defined) in Blender, then display it in an OpenGL program which animates camera motion along a Catmull-Rom spline.

Required elements

  • In Blender, create and texture an object and export it as an .obj that is loadable by your OpenGL program [6 points]
  • In your C++ OpenGL program, load the .obj and animate a camera path that shows it from different angles and distances, calling glm::lookat() to recompute the view matrix at every step [6 points]
    • Your camera path should be created from a Catmull-Rom cubic spline. All control points should be chosen by you and hard-coded your program as an array of at least 25 3-D positions.
    • The camera path should be displayed initially as a continuous curve (i.e., connected line segments). So it should be computed outside of your animation loop
    • The camera position (i.e., the view matrix) should be updated with each pass through the animation loop and the scene redrawn from the new location. Your up vector may remain constant, and your center point (where the camera is looking) may either be fixed to the centroid of the object that you loaded, or it can be updated to "look ahead" of the camera for an architectural walk-through or roller coaster scenario.
    • The camera path does not need to be a loop. Regardless, when the last position is reached, the animation should automatically start over at the first position
    • The 'p' key should toggle pause/play in the animation. In pause mode the camera should not move

No particular template code is provided, but you may want to start from Tutorial 7: Model Loading. Submit your C++ code, the textured .obj you created, and a short text description of how you created it.

Graduate students only

  • Add a square textured "floor" to your scene which animates a morph between two face images. You should use the mesh-warping algorithm introduced in class and described in further detail in Section 2.1 of Wolberg, "Recent Advances in Image Morphing", 2003.
  • The 'f' key should toggle between whatever center point you are using for glm::lookat() during the normal camera animation, and looking at the center of the morph square (even as the camera continues to move)
  • The morph should take about 5 seconds to complete and then repeat
  • The face images can have any names, and it is up to you to determine the matching points in the meshes so that the morph looks as good as possible. The paper appears to use 7 x 7 meshes, so please do the same