CISC440 S2021

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Course information

Title CISC440/640 Computer Graphics
Description A first course in computer graphics covering fundamental concepts and techniques related to rasterization, textures, 2-D and 3-D transformations (including perspective projection), shading, hidden surface elimination, and anti-aliasing, as well as selected topics in modeling, animation, ray tracing, and global illumination. OpenGL will be used for programming; you should have some familiarity with C/C++ or be ready to learn it.
When Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30-1:45 pm
Where Online
Instructor Christopher Rasmussen, 446 Smith Hall,
Office hours Mondays, 2-4 pm
TA Seyedalireza Khoshsirat,

TA office hours: TBD

  • 60% 5 programming assignments worth 12% each. Each homework will be due about 10 days after being assigned (more for the last one)
  • 20% Midterm exam
  • 20% Final exam. "Bonus topic" lecture material will not be tested
  • 2% Extra credit for completing course evaluation

Graduate students will be given extra tasks to complete or features to implement on each homework, and extra questions to answer on each exam.

Programming assignments will be graded on the basis of correctness, efficiency, and originality. This is not an introductory programming class, so coding style is not critical. However, if you want partial credit for something that doesn't quite work, it needs to be well-commented and easy to follow.

For the overall course grade, a preliminary absolute mark will be assigned to each student based on the percentage of the total possible points they earn according to the standard formula: A = 90-100, B = 80-90, C = 70-80, etc., with +'s and -'s given for the upper and lower third of each range, respectively. Based on the distribution of preliminary grades for all students (i.e., "the curve"), the instructor may increase these grades monotonically to calculate final grades. This means that your final grade can't be lower than your preliminary grade, and your final grade won't be higher than that of anyone who had a higher preliminary grade.

I will try to keep you informed about your standing throughout the semester. If you have any questions about grading or expectations at any time, please feel free to ask me.

Academic policies Programming projects are due by midnight of the deadline day (with a grace period of a few hours afterward...after sunrise is definitely late). A late homework is a 0 without a valid prior excuse. To give you a little flexibility, you have 6 "late days" to use on homeworks to extend the deadline by one day each without penalty. No more than three late days may be used per assignment. Late days will automatically be subtracted, but as a courtesy please notify the instructor (and CC the TA) in an e-mail of your intention to use late days before the deadline. See submission instructions below.

The two exams will be closed book (i.e., no reference materials allowed). Unless otherwise instructed, you are responsible for all material covered up to the day of the exam, both from the assigned readings (everything in the Readings column of the Schedule below) and in lectures (excluding guest lectures).

Students can discuss problems with one another in general terms, but must work independently on programming assignments unless teams are explicitly allowed for that assignment. This also applies to online and printed resources: you may consult them as references (as long as you cite them), but the words and source code you turn in must be yours alone. The University's policies on academic dishonesty are set forth in the student code of conduct here.


Textbook (required) Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (4th ed.) [Marschner in calendar below]

Steve Marschner and Peter Shirley

CRC Press, 2016

Textbook web site: Author (most useful thing there is link to course with relevant slides), Publisher

This book is NOT at the campus bookstore. The publisher has it, but their prices are bad. On Amazon it's about $60 to rent physical book for semester and about $50 to rent E-book


OpenGL Key thing to note: We are using OpenGL 3.3 for programming! A lot of examples on the web are for older 2.x, so beware

Homeworks Assignment submissions should consist of a directory containing all code (your .cpp files, header files, makefile if applicable, etc.), any output data generated (e.g., images, movies, etc.), and an explanation of your approach, what worked and didn't work, etc. contained in a separate text or HTML file. Do not submit executables, .o files, or libraries, please! The directory you submit for each assignment should be packaged by tar'ing and gzip'ing it or just zip'ing it. The resulting file should be submitted through Canvas.

You may develop your OpenGL, C/C++ code in any fashion that is convenient--that is, with any compiler and operating system that you want--but you must avoid OS- and hardware-specific functions. Programs which use Python and other languages will not be accepted, nor any programs that rely heavily on OpenGL 2.x functions.


Note: The blue squares in the "#" column below indicate Tuesdays.

# Date Topic Notes Readings Assignments/slides
1 Feb. 16 Introduction Graphics background, course information Marschner, 1-1.4 slides
2 Feb. 18 2-D, 3-D Geometry Vector & matrix review, homogeneous coordinates, 2-D & 3-D transformations, quaternions Marschner, 2.4, 5.2-5.2.2, 6-6.3 (skip 6.1.6, 6.2.1-6.2.2), 16.2.2
3 Feb. 23 3-D Geometry More 3-D transformations, camera manipulation & the view volume Marschner, 6.5-7.2
4 Feb. 25

Add/drop deadline Feb. 26

3-D Geometry Perspective projection, geometry pipeline, transformations with GLM Marschner, 7.3, 7.5; OpenGL tutorials #1 (including installation instructions), #3

HW #1

5 Mar. 2
OpenGL/GLFW Program initialization, window creation, geometric primitives Marschner, 17-17.7, 17.9-17.11
6 Mar. 4 OpenGL/GLFW Basic animation, user interface callbacks OpenGL tutorial #6
7 Mar. 9 GPU programming Introduction to GLSL, vertex shaders vs. fragment shaders; GLSL texturing demo Marschner, 17.8; Orange book Chaps. 2-5 HW #1 due
8 Mar. 11 Shading Radiometry: irradiance, radiosity, radiance, BRDFs Marschner, 10-10.2.1, 20-20.2 HW #2
9 Mar. 16 Shading Diffuse, specular reflection, Gouraud/Phong shading details; OpenGL, GLSL shading methods Marschner, 10-10.2.2; OpenGL tutorial #8
10 Mar. 18 Textures Texture-mapping pipeline, start bump mapping Marschner, 11.2, 11.4 (homogeneous division material--not barycentric coords), 11.5
11 Mar. 23 Midterm review HW #2 due
Mar. 30 NO CLASS
Blue Hen Re-Coop Day
13 Apr. 1 Motion/simulation Particle systems, flocking Marschner, 16.7
14 Apr. 6 Physics/simulation; finish texturing Finish flocking; introduction to Bullet physics library; magnification/minification, mipmaps OpenGL tutorial on clicking, Bullet physics manual (you don't have to read all of it, it's just for reference); Marschner, 11.1.3-11.1.4, 11.3 HW #3
Instructor away
15 Apr. 13 Textures Environment maps, shadow maps, lightmaps Marschner, 11.4.4-11.4.5
16 Apr. 15 Clipping, hidden surface elimination Line and triangle clipping, backface culling, Z-buffering, painter's algorithm Marschner, 8.1.3-8.1.6,, 8.2-8.2.3, 8.4 HW #3 due
17 Apr. 20 Finish hidden surface elimination; line drawing BSP trees; DDA, midpoint line-drawing Marschner, 12.4, 8.1-8.1.1, 8.3
18 Apr. 22 A little Blender, shape modeling Bezier curves and surfaces, Catmull-Rom splines, subdivision Marschner, 15-15.6.1 (ignore material on knots, Hermite form) HW #4
19 Apr. 27 Ray tracing Ray casting, intersection testing Marschner, 4
20 Apr. 29 Ray tracing Shadow rays (including soft shadows, ambient occlusion) Marschner, 4
21 May 4
Withdraw deadline May 3
Ray tracing Reflections (including glossy), distributed ray tracing for anti-aliasing Marschner, 4 HW #4 due Nov. 11
HW #5
22 May 6 Ray tracing and beyond Refractions, spatial data structures; bidirectional ray tracing Marschner, 4, 12.3, 13.1, 13.4; "Bidirectional Ray Tracing" paper by

P. Heckbert

23 May 11 Global illumination Photon mapping Photon mapping introduction, online demo, tutorial
24 May 13 Noise Value/Perlin noise Marschner, 11.5.2-11.5.3, Orange book 15
25 May 18 Final review

HW #5 due

26 May 19-21 HW #5 demos (sign up for time)
May 26, 1-3 pm FINAL EXAM